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Involvement and Experiential Learning


Throughout the year the BCC seeks to empower students to engage in immersive activities and involvements on and off campus. Our standard involvement opportunities include BCC AmbassDores and BCC student workers. In addition, we will be establishing new options for involvement in the upcoming semester. Check back on this page for more details about the involvement experiences in the BCC.

Harambee at 自慰视频 University for the BCC.
Photo by Joe Howell

Experiential Learning

The BCC hosts a number of Experiential Leaning Opportunities each year. One of the most noteworthy is the Black History Immersion Excursion. Each February we take about 45 students to visit a city with historical significance for Black people. While on the trip the students are immersed in the culture and experience of the city and learn about black history and the implications of the past on our experiences in the present. Check back on this page for updates about the excursion and other experiential learning opportunities.